Let’s Give People Power with a Free Federal Government App

Urge Congress to Create USApp To Solve Our Country’s Problems

Imagine What Happens
If Congress Passes a Law Mandating
USApp on Every Phone and PC

Disaster Management

USApp is essential during pandemics, disasters, wars, recessions because government can send info to citizens and gather info from them instantly. Who is sick, had a home destroyed, needs a job?

Goodbye Fake News!

Citizens click on any issue and read the news and views submitted into USApp by Members of Congress in Democratic & Republican parties. Citizens compare accurate and complete points of view.

Give People Power!

Registered voters can tell their own Congressman and Senators how to vote on each issue. Politicians will always know how to please their majority!

Citizens Inform Elected Officials

Surveys and polls are more accurate when everyone can participate, not just a small sample that may produce inaccurate results. Tell officials what issues matter most.

Cut Government Costs 

A zillion ways to save. Gather census and economic surveys, count who needs a job, securely send info from IRS, Social Security, Medicare, etc. with no postage, and so much more.

Run For Office Without $$$$$ 

Candidates can reach all voters with the app for free. No need to raise millions for ads paid for by donations from special interests who want laws good for them but not the people. Now voters matter most & can even donate via app.

States Can Benefit Too 

States can decide to use USApp to extend features to local candidates, and gain savings for the state.

Questions and Answers about USApp

Who should create and own USApp?

USApp should be created and owned by the Federal Government. It should benefit all citizens plus Member of Congress and the President but also all Federal government agencies who can save by having access to a single platform used by U.S.A. citizens to interact with the government. Likely many states will also decide to use it, although Congress could mandate that every state must.

How would USApp help with COVID-19?

USApp would be invaluable regarding pandemics, because the government and health officials could push notifications to users phones and PCs and email inboxes as needed. Online surveys could gather information from much of the total population, helping to measure and manage the crisis. Anonymous data (without knowing the user’s identity) could be gathered and analyzed to know how people are traveling about, or coming into contact with contact with others who have self-reported in surveys that they have tested positive for COVID-19. Economic data could be gathered about who is out of work, what businesses are shuttered or open, etc. These are just a few of many ways USApp can help.

How can USApp verify a citizen's identity?

To use USApp a user of course would have to go through a registration process to prove identity, much like is required for other Federal or State services such as the IRS, Social Security, driver’s license bureau, etc. Once the user’s device is verified, then they would have access to services. Of course, in the case of phones, the phone carrier has already reviewed the identify of the purchaser with a driver’s license and credit check, so the owner on the phone is on record and that data can be shared with USApp.

How can USApp know if a citizen is registered to vote?

The Federal law initiating the USApp could mandate states to coordinate their voter registration data with the Federal app.

How can the USA mandate manufacturers and phone carriers to install USApp on every device?

 to The radio spectrum that mobile phones use is owned by the government and licensed to the cell phone carriers, so the government could require installation of the USApp on all phones. The government can require that users cannot delete the app from their phones. Like most apps, users could decide not to use it, unless the law requires that some notifications are always active, such as emergency notifications, or even important communications from Members of Congress or the President.

To reach citizens who use the Internet with PCs or tablets, the government could ask or mandate browser manufacturers (Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc.) to build a USApp button into their interface.